Category: Wellness

Mental Health Awareness by Bethany Fox

The month of May means a lot to those of us at Arbor Family Counseling. While we recognize the importance of good, strong mental health year-round, we acknowledge May as Mental Health Awareness month. One thing we can be grateful for this month is the reduction of the stigma surrounding mental health and mental health […]

Written by on May 14, 2024

Mental Health Awareness Month by Bethany Fox

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, a time to encourage good mental health and educate ourselves on what that means, celebrate the victories in successfully managing any mental health disorder, and reduce the stigma surrounding mental health. In this article, we will also discuss what can help lead to good mental health, what to say […]

Written by on May 10, 2023

Alcohol Awareness Month by Bethany Fox

April showers might bring May flowers, but the month of April is also Alcohol Awareness Month – highlighting an opportunity to become aware and more knowledgeable about alcohol and the effects it can have on ourselves and those we love. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, more than 140,000 people die […]

Written by on April 24, 2023

Mental Health Spring Cleaning by Bethany Fox

We have officially celebrated the first day of Spring and welcome it with open arms after a long winter. In these past monthly articles, we have discussed getting through the holiday stressors while feeling thankful for all that we have, and working towards bettering ourselves through the holiday season. Now that we are entering a […]

Written by on March 23, 2023

Going Beyond the Gifts by Bethany Fox

December is finally here along with the forthcoming holidays. Whether that time is spent with family and friends, shopping for last minute gifts, finishing up a big work project, or around town at various holiday events, the month is going to be over before we all know it! It is important around the holidays to […]

Written by on December 14, 2022

Experiential Truth by Steve Thomas, PLMHP

“I maintain that Truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it by any path whatsoever, by any religion, by any sect.” — Jiddu Krishnamurti Knowledge is spectrum and if you can accept that, then truth is spectrum. Borrowing loosely from Clare Graves’ “Spiral Dynamics,” all things build upon themselves. For example, when the […]

Written by on October 12, 2022

The Sound of Silence by Steve Thomas, PLMHP

A year before I was born, Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel released the song, “The Sound of Silence” as a prophetic warning of 20th century social isolation. According to Art Garfunkel, the song was about the inability of people to communicate with each other, and thereby to love one another. It’s message lingers, marinated as […]

Written by on August 16, 2022

Strength’s Weakness by Steve Thomas, PLMHP

It is peculiar to me how strength is defined in the mind. The description can sometimes be one dimensional and very specific and at other moments, polymorphous and vague. There are occasions when that which we think is strength is not strength at all and other occasions in which we demonstrate strength unaware. Emotions elicit […]

Written by on July 1, 2022

Why is Black Mental Health Important? – by Tracey Pearson, LMHP

Why is Black Mental Health Important? Before we answer this question, let’s talk about why mental health is important.  Our mental health shows up in how we think, feel, and act.  The better our mental health, the better we think, feel and act. This makes taking care of our mental health extremely important because it […]

Written by on June 20, 2022

The Measurement of Time by Steve Thomas, PLMHP

Contrary to prevailing beliefs, becoming a sage or a doyenne is not a goal or aspiration; it is a phenomenon. If we seek it, we will not find it; if we lay claim to it, we lose it. For if you were to arrive there, cast away by the tempest of life, you would find […]

Written by on May 4, 2022