Arbor Family Counseling

EAP Perspectives


In Full Spring – May, 2021

Relaxation and Meditation Resources:

It has been a year of change and stress for all of us. COVID has taught us to focus on ourselves when the world around us becomes unpredictable and difficult. Our experiences this past year have taught us that our mental wellness is at the forefront of each of our priorities as a well as a public health concern. While social distancing, people have turned to their smartphones for connection with others, entertainment, and relaxation to deal with the stress. At Arbor, we encourage you to take time to strengthen any form of relaxation. UCLA Mindfulness Awareness Research Center reports that relaxation and mindfulness can help manage stress-related physical conditions, reduce anxiety and depression, cultivate positive emotions, and help improve overall physical health and well-being. Even short practices have brought positive results. To make it easy, check out one of many hundred different apps created to help you strengthen your practice of mindfulness and relaxation activities. If you are not interested in apps, check out the many different free videos on You Tube.

Arbor does not endorse or guarantee any of the following resources. However, we are often asked, and we know there is a wealth of resources. This is our attempt to share a variety of free resources. In this progressive time, if you are looking for peace of mind, there is an app for that!


Relaxation, Meditation, and Mindfulness

Insight Timer (Free Basic Level) –

Moodfit (Free 30-day trial) –

Sanvello (Free Basic Level) –

Happify (Free Basic Level) –

Smiling Mind (Free Basic Level) –

MyLife (Free Basic Level) –

UCLA Mindful App –

Healthy Minds –


Arbor is committed to helping you to relax and create a healthy mindset. Give us a call to strengthen these skills. 402-330-0960.