The month of May means a lot to those of us at Arbor Family Counseling. While we recognize the importance of good, strong mental health year-round, we acknowledge May as Mental Health Awareness month.

One thing we can be grateful for this month is the reduction of the stigma surrounding mental health and mental health issues. Our society as a whole has begun to be more open to talking about mental health issues experienced and normalizing seeking help from a professional. Social media has been a great outlet for positivity and education; a safe space for sharing facts, experiences, and invalidating previous misconceptions and bias related to mental health. These misconceptions led many to believe mental health issues weren’t real health concerns, but with the increased education and voices being heard, we have come to realize just how important good mental health is.

We can continue to help end the stigma of mental health by:

  • Educating ourselves on mental health (see resources)
  • Understanding mental health is just as important as physical health
  • Normalizing getting help from a professional
  • Offering support, encouragement, and a listening ear to all
  • Talking openly! Keep the conversation of mental health going

Resources that can help provide education and awareness:

  • The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
  • The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
  • The American Psychological Association (APA)
  • The National Center for Transgender Equality

Support can come in many forms and is based on someone’s specific needs. Whether you lean on a friend, seek out articles or relatable posts on social media, or contact a professional therapist – reaching out is the best first step to take! There are many reasons our clients call in to Arbor, with the top reasons dealing with anxiety, depression, and stress. These mental health issues, amongst others, can take a toll on us both mentally and physically if we keep them bottled up.

We encourage and invite you all to call in and speak with one of our professional counselors. We also encourage you to remember that we are all human! Life can be hard on all of us and it is important to remember to step back, take a breather, and take time for yourself.

Our counselors are available to schedule or speak to if you are experiencing any of the feelings we’ve discussed in this article, or if you feel you are ready to speak to a professional. Please contact our office at 402-330-0960 to schedule an appointment or visit us at  If you are a current client at Arbor, please help yourself to the Mental Health Awareness merch around the office!

For additional information on Arbor’s services and to hear more from our counselors, please tune into our podcast ‘Talks with Trivium’.